Leadership Ashley Tare Leadership Ashley Tare

Work & Rest

Humans weren't designed to function like machines. The industrial revolution fueled this misconception, pushing for maximum efficiency at any cost. But the hard reality is that each person has limits and pushing beyond them leads to eventual burnout.

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Grief & Healing Ashley Tare Grief & Healing Ashley Tare

The Complexity of Christmas

This season full of wonder, gratitude, and hope often tends to get overshadowed by the loss of someone very important who I loved deeply. I lost my dad unexpectedly 7 years ago around this time. Every time we reach the point in the year where Michael Buble’s Christmas album starts playing on the radio, it leaves me with the question: can gratitude and pain coexist?

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Self-Reflection Ashley Tare Self-Reflection Ashley Tare

Mistaking Confidence for Competence

Remember the days when someone asked a question and you actually had to use your brain to find the answer? Now we just Google it. It’s a privilege to have access to the information we have today. I can look up Premier League stats on the fly. I can figure out how to change my own oil.

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Self-Reflection Ashley Tare Self-Reflection Ashley Tare

3 Things I Learned From 2020

Reflection has become an important practice for me over the years. I understand if some might not want to think back on a year that wreaked utter havoc on society. But I’ve learned sometimes when circumstances breed pain, the only way through is through.

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Parenting Ashley Tare Parenting Ashley Tare

The Duality of Motherhood

Motherhood, for me, is like a coin with two sides. One side exposes me, the other refines me. Sometimes I feel like I don’t know how to navigate either well. But motherhood is a journey of learning to embrace both because one side on its own loses the weight and beauty and joy that make up the whole.

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Self-Reflection Ashley Tare Self-Reflection Ashley Tare

The Way We Judge: Action vs. Intent

Sometimes our actions don’t effectively align with intent. We try to prevent worry but brush over important details, eliciting more concern. We want to avoid burdening family members with personal needs, but when they don’t show up for us, we foster resentment.

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Self-Reflection Ashley Tare Self-Reflection Ashley Tare

The Honest Underscore

There’s something both beautiful and powerful about musical underscore. Its purpose is to creatively support a storyline in order to incite the observer to feel something and react to the events being observed. It serves as a lens through which we interpret and react to each scene.

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